Gender equality (n): a social order in which men and women share the same opportunities and the same constraints in the economic, social and political realms of life. One week after the world celebrated the International Women’s Day 2016 tagged, ‘Pledge For Parity’, a Bill for an Act To Incorporate And Enhance Certain Provisions Of The United Nations Convention On The Elimination of All Forms Of Discrimination Against Women, The Protocol To The African Charter On Human And People’s Rights On The Rights Of Women in Africa And Other Matters (popularly known as the Gender and Equal Opportunity Bill), sponsored by Senator Abiodun Olujimi, who represents Ekiti South Senatorial District was presented on the floor of the Nigerian senate for its second reading. The bill seeks equal rights for women in marriage, education and job. It also seeks to open up discussion on issues around women’s right with regards to girl child education, economic activity, equal rights in marriage, divorce, l...