I battle it every day.... To go forward or not to go forward. To allow things be or to rock the boat. F.E.A.R. of the unknown. Of my thoughts. My feelings. My strengths and my abilities. MY inadequacies and my flaws. F.E.A.R. of stepping out of my comfort zone and stepping into the spotlight. Of emerging behind the humor and chivalry that has characterised my life. F.E.A.R of laying it all bare and confiding in another about my fears, hopes, aspirations, and dreams. The F.E.A.R that after all is said and done, I am just another random, ordinary being. F.E.A.R... Of falling for you. Of having you dominate my thoughts. Of getting protective and extremely jealous over you. Of getting too close to you and not wanting to leave. Of losing control. F.E.A.R of finally peeling off the layers upon layers of toughness and letting you see into the fragility that is my heart. F.E.A.R..... Of trying and failing. Of disappointment. ...