Once upon a time in secondary school, I was given an assignment to do and I did that assignment to the best of my knowledge expecting the highest of scores. Alas, when my assignment was returned, my expected score differed from my received score, the way Paul Pogba 's recent performances differ from the over £89M Manchester United paid for him. To say I was shocked is to understate the matter. I rushed off to my teacher to ask questions and I was told that 'I didn't use the teacher's exact words'. Does this sound familiar anybody? If we could all be honest, we would admit that at some point in our educational life in Nigeria, we have lost marks in an exam or a test for choosing to put our answers in our own words rather than use the teacher's exact words. There is a term for using another person's words verbatim. That term is 'plagiarism'. Last week, precisely on the 8th of September, President Buhari formally launched the #ChangeBeginsWit...