Nigerian hair salons are very interesting places. It is in hair salons that you get unabridged gists of who is sleeping with who, who snatched whose boyfriend, who has been battered black and blue by whose spouse but is still forming couple goals, whose sudden hot body is just N30,000 body magic and of course who is keeping up with the Joneses while pretending to be wallowing in cash. The stories are just endless. Some of these stories often have you shaking your head in utter disbelief. On this particular sunny Saturday afternoon, I strolled to a nearby salon to get my hair washed. While awaiting my turn, the discussion switched to wife materials and those who want to purchase them. This lady was sharing a story about how she visited her bobo for the first time. The bobo had spent several months asking her out before she succumbed to the plenty love and attention he showed her. Afterward, she accepted his invitation to visit him in his apartment. Then the story got interesting… ...