Nigerian hair salons are very interesting places. It is in hair salons that you get unabridged gists of who is sleeping with who, who snatched whose boyfriend, who has been battered black and blue by whose spouse but is still forming couple goals, whose sudden hot body is just N30,000 body magic and of course who is keeping up with the Joneses while pretending to be wallowing in cash. The stories are just endless. Some of these stories often have you shaking your head in utter disbelief.

On this particular sunny Saturday afternoon, I strolled to a nearby salon to get my hair washed. While awaiting my turn, the discussion switched to wife materials and those who want to purchase them.

This lady was sharing a story about how she visited her bobo for the first time. The bobo had spent several months asking her out before she succumbed to the plenty love and attention he showed her. Afterward, she accepted his invitation to visit him in his apartment. Then the story got interesting…

When she got to the house, she noticed it was ‘really scattered’. According to her, there were unwashed plates strewn all over the kitchen cabinet. The trash can overflowed with dirt and the floor was messy. As a ‘well raised’ wife material that she was, she proceeded to clean the place up. She washed the dishes, tidied the kitchen, threw out the dirt, cleaned the rest of the house and fixed him a nice hot meal. Bobo was wowed. That singular act of hers impressed him and he commended her ‘homeliness’. They have been dating for four years now and planning their wedding.

The rest of women in the salon cooed and praised her for being a wise woman and passing the ultimate wife material test. In their estimation, she was 100 yards of original Hollandaise material.

What was my reaction? Nwa Aba sat quietly on her chair in total disbelief. My head even refused to shake again sef.

Let’s back up a little bit, shall we?

So, a grown ass man thinks it makes even the littlest sense to litter his house, leave it smelly and disposed to diseases and germs and expect me to clean it because there is a wife material test somewhere to be passed?

Let’s back up even further. So, it’s only me, the woman, that has to prove that I am  a wife material, okwa ya? The oga doesn’t have to prove himself a husband material? As per, his own husband materialism is congenital.  O di egwu.

P.S. The first stage of every budding relationship is audition time for a role. You check me out, I check you out. You cross check the mental list of a potential partner you have, I do same. It is not the exclusive reserve of any one gender to subject the other to some test. As much as you think I have to prove that I am deserving of the title of girlfriend/fiancée and eventually wife, Oga boss, I expect you to also be deserving of the title of boyfriend/fiancé and eventually husband. It’s a two-way street up in here brother.

While you keep your house dirty waiting for me to prove that I am a wife material, bros, all I see is a dirty and irresponsible adult male who is not organized and can’t take care of his business. And trust me, that’s not a pretty sight.

P.S 2: I think it completely disrespectful for anyone to invite another person to their place and not even bother to make it hospitable. That's pure wickedness biko. There is a tiny little thing called respect and to deny another that tiny respect because you are ‘testing’ them for whatever is witchcraft. No really…it is. And if you have never been told, here is an opportunity to say a big, fat, thank you.

What are your thoughts on this? Guys, would you subject a potential bae to some wife material test? Ladies, do you have a problem with being tested for some wife material issh? Your thoughts and views are most welcome.


*Picture credit: petitenaijablog.com


  1. A lot more women need to hear this. Sharing asap

  2. Lmao @ congenital husbandry. Yeye dey really smell. I am not proving anything. Anyone who doesn't like me the way I am should shift jare.

  3. Short and interesting. Chere Ka m bia kwa, inugo, o !

  4. Myne. I think your views & opinion my differ from others on this. Though I think it's unhealthy for a guy to mess up his house in the name of a test. Those days I was still hunting hmmmmm. You don't try somethings, before she arrives the house is made & dirty clothes hidden. You never know what the guy in question is looking for maybe a house keeper or something. So marriage approach get levels.

    1. thanks for your views bro. My grouse with the whole wife material thing is that it is one-sided. It is only the woman who has to prove she has what it takes to be a wife. I don't have a problem if a woman chooses to clean up a guy's house. It's her decision. But I have a problem when the reason for it is to be seen as wife material.

  5. Personally I really don't see why a guy should leave his house messed up just to test a woman... But then to each his own... There are many other factors to look at when considering taking a spouse... I mean that stuff is for life... So you can clean the house, cook and are very homely but I cannot hold a 5 min conversation with you? It's a no brainer... We won't last 6 months... We get married and you are boring in bed??? Or you don't know how to package yourself... And you allow life get boring??? Your homeliness goes out the window... In summary, Strike a balance... be yourself... Cause one can only copy with pretense for so long...


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