My Perfect Stranger

I saw him again. My perfect stranger. For the third week running, he was standing where he always stood, beside his black Hyundai Saloon car. His legs were crossed as he leaned leisurely on his car.
I had since realized this was premeditated. Carefully planned. Like he had my itinerary all figured out. First time could be excused on the altar of time and chance. Second time could be called coincidence. But a full three weeks? Story for the gods. This was strategically orchestrated.  Even though this was was supposed to be disconcerting, I found it somewhat exhilarating.

I knew he was watching me as I approached the turn that would lead to my office. I tried so hard to ignore him. I couldn't. It was a battle I lost before it even started. I felt his steady gaze on me. 

Staring. Deeply. 

I took a deep breath and tried to walk past him. I couldn't help myself. Our eyes met briefly and I looked away. In that short moment, I knew that he knew that I knew he was watching me.
He didn't even try to hide the fact that he was staring at me. In fact, he seemed to revel in it. Like he knew something I didn't. 

I felt his gaze follow me all the way till I made my way through my office gate.

I walked into the studio and collapsed into my chair. I released the breath I didn't even know I was holding.


I managed to put him out of my mind and got on with the day's activities.

During a short break, I spared myself some time to think about him. 

The Stranger. My Perfect Stranger.

 Noticing him hadn't been difficult. He was a tall glass of very dark chocolate delight. He was well built, and wore his clothes well. I hadn't yet taken a careful study of his face, but in the brief moment I had glanced at him, I noticed he had interesting features. He wasn't a pretty boy. He was all man. And very very attractive, with a capital A. He also exuded the confidence of someone who knew the effect he had on women. Killer combo.

I wondered why he was always at the same spot, at the specific time I walked to work. Did he live around? Was he a stalker? What did he want? Why hasn't he said something to me yet? 

Wait a minute! Oh my God!  What if he was a ghost and I was the only one who could see him? Wait, wait. Please, don't laugh. Stranger things have happened, haven't they? This ghost theory could be the only explanation I had for my stranger. Was I making a mountain out of a mole hill? Could it be just some ridiculous coincidence? Fate playing some sick joke on me, maybe? I couldn't stop wondering about him no matter how hard I tried. I made up my mind to confront him the next time I saw him.

Funny enough, I didn't see him  the following day. And the day after that. I almost convinced myself that he was a beautiful piece of my creative imagination. Somehow, I put thoughts of the previous three weeks out of my mind.

The next time I saw my stranger was one Thursday evening, two weeks after our last 'chance' meeting. I had left work a few hours earlier than usual because of looming rain. The sky had a dark scowl all over it like it had scores to settle with Mother Earth. I didn't want to be caught in the middle of their fiery beef.

I had hardly walked ten steps before I felt the first drop of rain on my fore head. I didn't have an umbrella or shower cap. And there was no sight of any shade around.


My hair which was just about a week old would get tangled. The argument about the superiority of human hair over synthetic tried to rear up its ugly head on my mind but I quickly suppressed it. No time for had I knowns.

I stopped to change my suede shoes for the slip - ons I carried with me always. It's not easy being a chick, believe me. I am one of those incredibly slow learners still mastering the delicate art of sashaying down the street on 4-inch heels. Between my new hair and my suede shoes, I had to at least save something. I chose the shoes. At all at all, na em bad pass, init?

I had hardly removed the first shoe when a black car pulled up beside me. The window rolled down and a voice said, 'get in'.

I had never heard it before, but the voice sounded oh-so familiar. Like I had heard it so many times, in life times before. It was a  smooth and rich light baritone. Like it came from the belly of someone who loved life and was at peace with the world. It was a sexy voice.

 I looked up and came face to face with my stranger.

(To be continued...)




  1. See eh Prof, mind yourself oh! Which kain suspense be this na? Please complete the story na...this was riveting!

  2. Nina! Thanks darling for reading. Part 2 is in the works already.

  3. Hahahahaha. Didn't know you write romance stories o. Though not my genre, but this one caught me & the suspense...? Finish am now o. Chai! This story is already a best seller

    1. My boss, my boss...Thanks for reading. Suspense is part of life na

  4. The suspense is killing! This is one beautiful piece darling! Oh my goooooosh! I'm loving you more, but wait i hope this is a true life gist and not some fiction.....cos i am already hitting my prayer points seriously and getting prepared for asoebi things! Whatever babes, You are one helluva prolific writer and i'm falling all over in love with you again.....Go girl, the skies won't stop you!

  5. My lady!!!! Thank you so much. Love ya!

  6. ''My perfect stranger'' hmmm cant there be a medium to get the completion of this best seller?@ uka, can l come in n manage the sales? It will sure sell fast n nice! Alsomely Breath taking...

  7. hehehe Leslie Yobachukwu Igbo boys and money...we go talk , no worry

  8. Seriously I was so engrossed with the lines that I kept a task pending on my desk. Hmmmmmmm Novelist Ukachi! Very interesting piece you arranged there especially your use of lovely lines vocabulariesm

  9. 'vocabularism' who has a way with words? lol. Thanks babe

  10. I fall in love with good write ups. Damn, this is not 'good'. This is awesome. Complete d story already nah. I cnt fit wait.

  11. Onye m, i di too much! Part two is already loading

  12. Ukaaachi oooo. So wen wil season 2 come out?

  13. Mother-in-law!!!! Season 2 is in the works

  14. Wow beauty and brain...U are very articulate...I'm impressed....Just finish up the story abeg

    1. At your service Kelvin Onuigbo...thanks dear

  15. Wow! I am captivated. Please get us part 2 asap

  16. Ukvisious! I wondered if this story wasn't going to end. Anyways it didn't. Anticipating the next chapter. Ukachi Chukwu

  17. Achi baby tell me this is no fiction #wink. Cos me can't wait

  18. Barr, you have to wait till the end na *winks*

  19. did u enter? is tis real? abeg finish am nau. Wat's the name of tis novel Prof?.

    1. ermmm, Lucy Okafor did I enter? We will have to see

  20. wow cant wait. am loving tis story dear,pls add pictures too.

  21. Ukay,tis ur Alpha male should better be real oo and i can't wait to see pictures. am not joking,lolz .

  22. Prof finish ya story......I detest long write up's not like I hate to read lol.....but can't beat d keen interest on this one ...emmmmmm I tink we have coordinated gist,expect my call.

    1. trust me babe, co-ordinated gist is in the

  23. Let's relaxed and wait for the complete story, coz, it will not come in a hurry. That's good, Gal.

  24. Chai! Telemundo; Gerra outta here! step aside. Ukachi peperempe! U know what am saying? Halla!!!!

  25. Hahaha honey, read any Mills & Boons lately? I'm cocksure you can easily write captivating love stories without bathing an eye. 'No waste ya talent oo!'

    1. Actually my last Mills and Boom was read in early years of Uni when I was still a teen. I have totally outgrown Thanks girl for reading. God bless ya

  26. Anakukwa eka ibe a? Can't wait for your next episode... or better still inbox me the full package. I have little patience. #AmiboThings

  27. Prof., I have been refreshing your profile page to see if you have written the sequel. I don sleep wake up, still dey look. Biko, give me an advance preview na. Okay, when is the release date?

  28. Sequel will be posted today boss...on my honour

  29. After reading this piece I kept shouting Mr arodio!! Mr arodio!!! Bravo darling, bravo...he taught you well and may his soul rest in peace ..teachers really do impact eternity..this is a master piece and the suspense is over whelming..i crave for the next episode

    1. Thank you big bros. Appreciate it. Next episode is loading already.

  30. Kia babes I so missed you and those novels u write,high school days! You ve long been my inspiration,seriously.and my 1st crush *winks* So love dis.

  31. Really cool piece. Bad thing is, it's fiction.

    1. Thanks Mr T....but you have to wait to find out if it's fiction. You may just be pleasantly surprised

    2. Thanks Mr T....but you have to wait to find out if it's fiction. You may just be pleasantly surprised


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