An article on www.memefest.org titled ‘LoveAbuse’ has the following as its opening lines:

Love: the strongest driving force on the planet.

The most abused word in use today.

The most inspiring mysterious concept.

I agree totally with the second line. Lots of things get abused in the world today but I think this four letter word l-o-v-e easily takes top spot, without question.

The evil and stupid things we do in the name of love are absolutely baffling. People blow up places and butcher people into tiny little bloody pieces because of the love they have for a deity. People abuse and maim those they say they love in the name of love. Love is often the reason given when a jealous lover disfigures the object of his/her love with undiluted acid. They love them too much to let them go, they say. People stay in toxic relationships because they are in love and do not want to be alone.
It is this same love that makes two people with incompatible genotypes to take the risky decision to get married.

And many times, those who take this decision to get married, knowing that they have incompatible genotypes, do so on the altar of faith or plain ignorance. On faith, they say:

God can do all things.

God is in the business of doing wonders.

I know so and so and so whose genotype was changed during so and so crusade.

If you believe, all things are possible.

I have faith that if we get married, we won’t have kids with Sickle Cell Anaemia.

Miracles happen.

God will prove himself faithful. I have strong faith…

You know, we are funny people. We won’t jump off a high building to prove we have faith. We won’t shake someone with the Ebola virus because we have faith that we won’t contract the virus. Who wants to die? Hell, many of us won’t even marry people without sleeping with them. Even though this is an opportunity for us to exercise that great faith we have in God that he won’t shortchange us in the bedroom department, we choose to jump and pass on that abstinence nonsense. Nah, we don’t trust God that much. We must test to be sure everything is functioning at optimum capacity.

But here we are; we want to marry someone whose genotype isn’t compatible with ours but ‘we trust God’ for some miracle so as not to have kids with SS genotype.

Now for those who are quick to say that miracles happen and that genotype change, I got one question for you. What is the percentage of these people? What is the statistics of people whose genotypes have changed at a crusade or because a pastor prayed?

What is the percentage of those who took the risk to marry and escaped having kids with sickle cell? What are the numbers? And just so you know, Science has cured more people than the power of God has healed people. God is behind these medical breakthroughs. He cannot give people these revelations if He doesn’t intend for them to be used.

Just before you accuse me of heresy, let me state categorically clear that I don’t doubt the power of God. I am a firm believer in God and the miraculous. But as my pastor says: God designed the world to operate based on principles, not miracles. Miracles are like promos. They happen once in a while.

The principle upon which the world is founded and upon which it functions is cause and effect. That is, sowing and reaping. If you consciously take some decisions, you should be willing to live with the consequences of your decision.

How many of you will confidently enter a vehicle knowing it has no brakes, but believe God for safe arrival, because you have faith? Huh? How many? No matter the urgency of your trip, once you learn the brake of the car isn’t functioning, you will wait for another vehicle to take you to your destination.

I know God can do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or imagine (including changing SS to AA or preventing SS birth). But God never said He will do all we ask or imagine. CAN and WILL do not mean the same thing. Whereas ‘Will’ expresses certainty, ‘Can’ shows possibility. Simple English grammar. So have this in mind the next time you use that scripture to justify your foolishness on the altar of faith.

About ignorance, I can’t even deal with this one. There should be strict laws to punish adults who get married without checking their genotype and end up having kids with Sickle Cell Anaemia. This is 2016. How can two people be liking themselves and investing emotions upandan without finding out the other person’s genotype? If you have Sickle Cell trait (AS Genotype), the first thing you discuss isn’t how Mr A or Miss B makes you feel. The first thing is to enquire about their genotype. And if it is incompatible with yours, kindly and quietly move on. How difficult is this really?

I suffer from a migraine. On the days the pain is really insane, I literally feel like cutting off my head to have some respite. I also know my mum suffers from this type of a headache once in a while but I don’t know if mine is hereditary.

I know that no matter how bad or excruciatingly painful the migraine I have may be, it doesn’t come close to a Sickle Cell Anaemia crisis. So after every migraine attack, I  go through a cycle of deep worry. I worry that I may pass on this migraine to my kids. I get scared each time and hate that I have a migraine in the first place. Of course, I have no way of knowing this ahead of time until I have my kids. But believe me, if all I had to do to prevent my kids from ever having migraine was to avoid marrying someone with a certain genotype, I would do it without batting an eyelid. No question asked.  No amount of being in love will make me gamble the future of my kids.

Why then do those who have the AS genotype choose to gamble on the future of their kids and the quality of their lives because of love? What’s love got to do with common sense?

We often get love twisted. Love isn’t about you or what you feel. Love is about those you say you love- your unborn children included. If you and your partner have the AS genotype and you insist on getting married, you must think twice about the decision to start a family. To go ahead without considering the impact of that decision on your unborn children is to be selfish. No matter how deep and strong your love is, seeing your child (ren) in constant pain puts enormous strain on the best of relationships. And if I were your child, I would hate you with everything I am because you chose to subject me to a life of constant pain and in most cases premature death. What is loving about that?

On a final note, faith is not a substitute for wisdom. As a matter of fact, God places more premium on wisdom. In his Holy Book, He said ‘Wisdom’ not ‘Faith’ is the principal (main) thing. It’s time for us to stop encouraging foolishness on the altar of faith, join hands together and kick out Sickle Cell Anaemia.

NB: Thanks to Stephanie Odera Okwu for prompting this article.


*Picture credit: www.psychologicalscience.org


  1. It's very saddening my dear.Its love vs pain.Good write up��

  2. Babes, I totally understand what the couples go through and share their pain. It is not easy to let go only for genotype but love is all about sacrifices.

    1. My problem is that the person with an AS genotype should already know he/she can't marry everyone and protect their heart ahead of time. To go on, on the altar of faith or love, is in my opinion irresponsible

    2. Blessing Madugba, Genotype is not an 'only'. It is the straw that can cause an over weight on the camel's back and subsequently break it. Please don't treat genotype as an 'Only'.

    3. True. Chukwudi Kalu. Genotype is a serious issue. Because the lives of human beings are at stake. Too much is at stake biko. For the person with AS genotype, once they meet who they like, the introduction should go thus: 'My name is ABC. My genotype is AS. What's your name and genotype?' No time to be investing emotions blindly Blessing Madugba

    4. Way too much. I meet you, my heart starts throbbing for you, be sure I'm going to ask for your genotype.

    5. Blessing Madugba....If only u knew what sickle cell anaemia has done to my life, u wouldn't refer to it as "only"..... If only u knew the after effects of what it has done to my life and how it is affecting me right now, if only u knew how much i fought death and how i cant even explain how and why am still alive till today,trust me u won't make such statement.

      Is it the pains(physically,mentally,psychologically, emotionally)? the torments? Or the millions spent? or the humiliations? restrictions? fears? Backwardness? (Haven't u heard health is wealth)? ...

      I don't really want to go deep into this...but ppl shud really know their genotypes before getting married...sickle cell disease can actually lead to other bad sicknesses... as a result of one thing or the other....just like I have a frnd who is sickle cell and actually developed cancer, another one had a damaged a damaged kidney (did a transplant last year) , another one is half paralyzed till date, some became hardcore drug addicts, and some cudnt even make it after they had fought and struggled for so long....I can go on and on...

      Sickle cell is a very serious sickness and has to be seriously looked into by the govt cos dey don't really pay much attention to it....cud u imagine a 6yr old praying for death? Do u know what that little boy went and wud still go thru in life?

      Sickle cell is not a joke and shudnt be treated as such!
      Sometimes love is just not enough, but just as u said, its all abt SACRIFICES. sacrifices of "letting go" when u discover ur patner has the same "AS genotype" as u.

      Thanks for the write up Ukachi Chukwu��

    6. You are so brave darling Stephanie Odera Okwu. Keep fighting okay? Don't give up. Love is never enough. It's not enough for genotypes. It's not enough in other areas. And like you said, sometimes the best sacrifice for love is to let go. Bless your heart babe.

    7. Av always been a warrior, I keep fighting...thanks and bless u too ��

  3. Sacrifices of love is to let go. There is more to love. Keep staying strong Stephanie.

    1. Stephanie Odera Okwu dear, I might not really know what it's like but I empathise with you. By 'only' I meant it literally that the other key factors in a relationship are right but for that. I canNOT support marriage between AS people although I have been there and realised that one can't even stop loving the person but have to live with it. That's also why I said love is about sacrifices.
      On a positive note, God is still in the business of changing genotypes. I've seen it happen again and again from SS to AA. Seek a PERSONAL intimate relationship with God
      Sit on His Word.
      Constantly create an atmosphere for His presence (Praying in tongues is one sure way).
      You won't even know when it will happen!
      Expecting your testimony��

    2. Stephanie Odera Okwu... Babe, words fail me to characterise your doggedness! When some others are wallowing in victim's mentality, here you are standing up to be counted... I admire that spirit, and I pray nothing will quench it.

      My prayers are with you! Much love!

    3. This is always a very touching topic.As Ukachi Chukwu rightly said a person with AS genotype should be kind enough and wise too to stay away from AS guys.I knew this early and it helped me.I grew up with couz with SCA and watching him go through the uncountable attacks...hmmm it was simply heartwrenching.Finally at 30,he lost to battle to death.People should be smarter.Love is not excuse cos sincerely there's no need to bring pain to others all in the name of love.LET ALL CARRIERS BEWARE!

    4. Danny Nwokwu, Steph inspires me so much. Her doggedness and zest for life is enviable.

    5. Stephanie Odera Okwu I love you so much right now...much more than my usual dose of love for strong women.May your life encourage others and champion a good cause��

    6. Btriz Iheukwu Anachuna well said babe. Thank you

    7. Thanks dear...I really want to kick sickle cell out of Africa. Something in me died when I saw that little 6yr old crying in pain...and even wishing to die....it was so disheartening! Cudnt stand the sight! A 6yrs old sickler in the year 2016? Its wickedness infact it's a serious crime andThat woman deserves to rot in jail! Danny Nwokwu

    8. Thanks a lot ��Btriz Iheukwu Anachuna I appreciate ur words of encouragment!

  4. I am particularly thankful for churches that insist couples know their genotypes and blood groups before marriage. I mean, ignorance is no excuse but then again, I'd rather a couple is ignorant than be in the know and sacrifice their children on the alter of emotions. In any case, love alone is never enough to tie the nuptial knot. Individual genotype knowledge is also key.
    Me sha, I ain't got nothing to fear. I can marry even SS....no I don't mean that #tongueawt.
    #teamAA rocks but malaria be wiring me every day. #smh

    1. Nne ignorance of the law is no defense o.

    2. Yeah...but us there really a law?

    3. Nope there's no law against marrying as AS + AS. All I'm saying is that being ignorant of something doesn't excuse one from the consequences. In this day and time, no one should get involved with another without knowing their genotype and blood group

  5. Replies
    1. However, if you're truly in love, you both would care for the future of your supposed kids.

    2. Exactly. Unless u both decide to adopt babies or not have babies at all. Or you have too much money for some medical procedures that may ensure none of the kids have Sickle Cell

    3. Kingsley Kanu 'SuGe' that's the point I always make. SS kids go through a lot. Some of them even pray to die. How would you stand the sight of your son/daughter praying for death to come take s/he?

  6. Personally that is not love. If I love u n discover we ain't compatible d best thing n for d sake of that love is to let u go not to tempt God n put innocent children into unnecessary pains n regret. I did that so it is not a big deal though is painful.

    1. That's the wise thing to do. Well done girl

  7. Genotype is the first thing a guy and a lady should check before any other thing serious,what kinda love will u enjoy watching ur kid suffer and eventually die someday because of your ignorance. God is still in the business of doing miracles but most churches still insist on medical checkup to see dat both parties are fit for marriage. We should all advice ourselves. My super warrior Stephanie Odera Okwu u r d strongest.

  8. At the risk of sounding harsh, a love that is fixated on self (at the expense of another) is the height of selfishness!
    Didn't the Holy Book say that "Love is not selfish... and does not look to its own ways"?
    You feel good for being with the person you love. Will you feel same way when the irritations and frustrations of managing SCD rear their ugly heads?

    Granted it's hard to let go, but it is harder to stay put and invest a lifetime of emotions into a decidedly negative outcome. God gave us choices - and each has "follow-come" consequences. Choose wisely!

    Jee gwazie ndi yard unu!!!

    Ukay, many thanks for raising this issue.

    1. We major in the minor. We make lots of decisions based on how we feel forgetting that feeling is like the weather and buckles under pressure. Thanks Prof Ibe m. Appreciate you for your contribution

  9. Nice write up dear. I discovered I was AS while in the Uni. From then on, I asked every guy trying to get close to me what his genotype was before even considering serious relationship with the person. Trust me, it wasn't easy for me as that disqualified a lot of guys cos I ain't gonna jeopardize the life of my kids. And when the right man came, he came with the right genotype for me too - AA. I truly agree with you that ignorance/blind love is no excuse in this matter.

    1. Thank you Grace Chikezie Godwin for sharing your story. Impatience and fear of not getting anybody else make us take some very regrettable steps. Thank God for your life.

    2. Thanks dear for writing this piece. A doctor once said to me during my SIWES, ' Grace, there are lots of nice AA men out there, so don't risk the lives of innocent children in the name selfish love. I thank God I heeded to that advice till I got married.

  10. Prof. Ibem, there is a simple test (not that simple anyway) I developed for the "No-One-But-You" apologists:

    "If there were no condoms or safe-sex apparati, would you insist on marrying an HIV-infected partner for the sake of love?"

    That poser will send love out via the windows eleven out of ten times!
    Remember to give me credit for intellectual rights. Lol

    1. Lol. People throw in love and emotions when it suits them. I will start adopting this your test for ndi 'no one but you'. Lol

  11. A friend told me of a couple who has 4 kids and all were SS. They all died one after the other. What touched me most was that when the last one was about to die, she called both parents and cursed them for bringing them into the world just to live and die in pains. I also teach a child from a family where 3 out of 4 of them are SS, including him. They spend more time in the hospital than in school cos of crisis.... He who has ears, let him hear.....

  12. Grace Chikezie Godwin I knew a family that had 7. Even their father died after the children died. We can't come and go and be tempting God and Satan upandan. Don't fall in love without knowing the genotype of the other person. Love isn't blind. Even if its blind, give yours eyes and it would see.

    1. Grace Chikezie Godwin Chukwudi Kalu you guys have concluded the matter.

  13. As much as everyone should be involved in the awareness campaign, religion (church, mosque, even amadioha's place) has a part to play in the campaign. Same way they all ask for certain requirements from couples before joining them, they have to put this into consideration. The court houses are not left out. Let people be screened before saying I do. If only there could be a law instigated by medical practitioners that puts this to effect judicially.

    To think that my room mate for almost two years at the university was a sickler and I never knew. Only found out about 2hours after she passed on and that's when the whole video of all her crisis and all the periods her brothers - who by the way were sicklers too - played back in my head.

    Love can play all by itself, don't tempt it.

    1. Sorry about the passing of your roomie. May she continue to rest in peace. And I agree with you that everyone has a role to play in ending Sickle Cell Anaemia.

    2. Mehn, I've been in the middle of this for so long to NEVER take this matter for granted. Love shouldn't be allowed to play by itself. That's carelessness mbok. Even without Sickle Cell in the mix, we must learn to nurture Love. Even the bible preaches that. Do not let love play on its own.

    3. Chukwudi Kalu the love guru. I hail o 🙌🙌🙌🙌

    4. Love makes the world go round. So know love and in all they knowing, add understanding (sense).

  14. My dear I watched my cousins die like chicken, I knew even as a young girl how much my aunt suffered and still suffering. She has a son who is above 20 years and he's SS she just won't let the young man out of her sight, go to university or learn a trade/ handwork for fear he might have one of his crisis anytime. I am AS and before I got married the first question I asked any guy who said hi is what's ur genotype.

    1. I dey tell you oo. Seriously! I will always ask

    2. My own love wear double lens Abeg.

    3. As it should be biko. We can't shout.

  15. If love creates pain then it's not love. I think it's emotional sentiment & inability of some people not to see beyond their present state of desire & want. Nobody should go against facts & figures in the name of love. This is 21st century plz


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