Now That You Are Here...

"You can't say you know a man until you know how he thinks" - Anya Oko

The above quote is from my mentor, and I think it makes a whole lot of sense. Many times we say we know who this person or that person is. The question is, do we really? That friend, that neighbor, that colleague you say you know, are you sure you really do? Because until you know how someone thinks, you don't really know them that much. Notice I said, how someone thinks, and not what they think. Sometimes, we preempt what someone thinks and when it turns out to be right, we go, 'I said it! I know how you think'. Don't be too quick to gloat brah, you may have just been lucky. When you know how someone truly thinks, then you can start popping the champagne and dancing azonto to Inyanya's Kukere.

Over the course of my life, I have heard people say things like, 'you are too complicated', 'you confuse me', 'I never know what you think, 'babe, you no dey ever dey serious' ... Well, Through My Glasses is here to debunk some of the myths people have about me *batting eyelids* I hope that through this blog, I become less complicated to my friends, foes and fans alike. *before nko? I get fans plenty na...oya, you can say for my dry mind, I no go vex...Looolz*  

Anyways, I hope that anytime you read a post here, I become less of an enigma to you. However, let's be honest, you might not agree with some of the things I write here, but hey, that's the beauty of life itself - we disagree to agree. Through My Glasses is not just a blog. It is my diary. It contains my opinions- those of a Naturally African Woman who Totally Inspires (NAWTI), on any and everything- u name it. If it catches my attention, if it makes me spit fire and brimstone, if it makes me blush, if it makes my heart beat faster than a stop watch, if it keeps my creative juices flowing, as long as I have an opinion about it, you bet you are going to read it on this blog. I look forward to having some intellectual exchanges, arguments, occasional respectful fights, (within reason of course) and the likes with you. 

So now that you are here, pull your chairs closer, grab yourself a drink, call the press, hold the news, take a deep breath and let's see the world and everything in it Through My Glasses, because trust me, in my world, everything, I mean absolutely EVERYTHING comes N.A.T.U.R.A.L.L.Y.



  1. thank you Jason. please visit more often, aiit?

  2. Yay!!!!!Finally,you have your blog. Something I have asking you to do since forever...oya, start posting your thoughts sharp sharp. Can't wait to read them.

  3. Diaryofanawtiprof...hmmmmm, mi likey...a friend told me about your blog, I decided to check it out. nice one I must say. However, you didn't introduce yourself to us na. We want to know you as you. Your real name, etc...stuff like that. I'm bookmarking your blog now...will follow faithfully

  4. @Festus: thank you my oga...hope to get the blood bleeding ...@NG: lol, no be small over due o...tnx for commenting...@Stephen:tnx for visiting the blog dear and tnx for ur observation. Will consider doing a post on me...u knw

  5. Nice, nice, nice...UK. Thank God you have stopped procrastinating on this blog thing. Cool intro..*dancing azonto to inyanya's kukere* we dey look the world thru ur glasses, hope we go see beta? Ride on dearie. We dey ur back..

  6. @Bosslady: tnx sweet..I knw u always gat my back. Trust me, u go see beta thru my eyes..

  7. Prof for your mind you get fans abi? Lol...I'm so glad u hv set up ds blog. All those ur write ups and the things u talk about need to make their way in here. Can't wait for others to read them. Best of luck dearie.

  8. Cool one Myne..this ur blog name no be here o...(Nawtiprof). Makes sense. Well done girl...
    *you know who I am na*

  9. @Boma: dey there na, my fan base can rival lady gaga' Tnx for reading, and the write ups will slowly make their way in here, by His grace..@Fine boy: of course I know who you are na.tnx for dropping by *winks*

  10. Hey sweetheart, I just saw the link to ur blog in my bbm today. I am so impressed that your blog is finally active. You are gifted and your views on issues deserve to be read by all and sundry. I am looking forward to all your posts...

  11. Uk!!! U too much joor. More grease to ur elbow.

  12. Nice on Achi. We are proud of you.

  13. Keep the ball rolling.

  14. Good job on your side, Mine!


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