So You Think You Can Change Him?

 I ran into a friend recently and she joyously gushed to me about her upcoming wedding. To say that her happiness was contagious is to say the least. Yours truly quickly dragged her to the nearest fast food restaurant so I could get the full load down of the wedding  There, she produced her wedding invitation card (classy stuff I must say) and upon further gist, she disclosed that even though she was madly in love with her fiancée, one little thing bothered her: he is catholic; she worships with Mountain of Fire Ministries. 

This little info may not have necessarily meant so much in the grand scheme of things if I were hearing that from someone else. You see, my dear amiga is a staunch member of her church- as in S-T-A-U-N-C-H! When I asked her why she accepted to marry him in spite of their obvious evangelistic differences, she launched into the classic, ‘you-can’t-help-who-you-love’ tale.  Amongst the many things she said to justify her decision to marry her fiancée, she stated that she ‘strongly’ believed she had been brought into her man’s life to ‘help’ him. She believed that she could change him and convert him to become a full member of her church. In fact she already had a 5-step plan of how to accomplish that.
When I heard that, I pinched myself (to be sure I wasn’t dreaming) and it didn’t hurt one bit. I couldn’t believe that my gorgeous, smart friend was treading the same self-delusional path so many have trod in the past- the path that makes us think we can actually change somebody. Really?  

For starters, how preposterous to think that you can establish a healthy bond (albeit a marital one) with someone on the basis of a hidden agenda! Try to put yourself on this other person’s shoe for a second. Doesn’t it strike you as unfair (and even dishonest) to deceive someone else like this. Smh. How ecstatic would we actually be to learn that the people we are supposedly in love with have kept aside strategies to ‘recreate’ us to suit whatever image they have? I dare to say that none of us will exactly be over the moon to know that. What then gives us the leeway to do that to someone else?

For the records, you cannot change anybody. Call me a pessimist or whatever you choose, I stand by this statement. Just as you can’t bank on money that is not at hand, you can’t count on that man (or that woman) changing.  Yea, yea, I know love believes all things, but nne (and nna), let’s face it: You. Cannot. Freaking. Change. Nobody. Only God can.
So before you buy into the ‘I can change him (or her) grand illusion, be sure you can deal with the s**t if s/he doesn’t change (or at least if they don’t change as quickly as you would like them to). 

The moral of my story?  I strongly believe that when there is spiritual, religious or social incompatibility (or incompatibility in other key areas), the wisest thing to do is to share goodness in fellowship. Get out of the relationship! Is this harsh? Maybe. But trust me, in the long run; you will be the better for it.
The truth is, if you can’t accept people the way they are, leave them alone! Don’t turn people into projects to handle. You will only experience unnecessary pain and frustration. Even more importantly, you will drive yourself and your loved one crazy trying to change the unchangeable.



  1. Vintage prof! Straight to the heart of the matter. She (or he) who has ears, let her hear.

  2. Prof, you are a good writer but I have to disagree with you on this one. People can change people. What is our purpose for being here if not to make change, especially in the lives of the people we love. If your friend's man really loves her, he can change for her.

    1. Thank you for expressing you view Esther. The challenge I have is that saying 'if your friend's man really loves her, he change for her' seems really selfish. In the first instance, this love business is a two-way street. Would it be so wrong if my friend proved her love for her man by changing for him? You see, it's not so easy when we are the ones being asked to make major changes. Also, about being here to make change, I believe that 100%. However, I don't believe we can change people. We may influence them to change, but ultimately, they are the ones to make the change. Even Jesus said, 'If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me'. Our job is to do the lifting up, through acceptance and maybe influence. The actual drawing and changing is Jesus' job. And that is what this post is trying to point out

  3. Hmmm, this is deep o prof. It's really a radical departure from all that I have believed hitherto. Even though I am not exactly sure on which side I am, I have to say you have given me a lot to think about.

  4. My dear, this your post has cynicism written all over it. I don't know what your experience of love is, but I want you to know that people do change. It might take time, but we can help them change.

    1. Doris I think we have a slight misunderstanding here. I never said people cannot or do not change. All I am saying is that relating with people with the agenda to change them is a dishonest act, and near impossible. That road is riddled with frustration. Let's take ourselves for instance. We all have stuff we would like to change about our selves that we haven't managed to do. If we can't change ourselves that easily (even with all the control we have over ourselves), how do we want to bet that we can change some other person who we have absolutely no control over. Isn't that a high risk venture? And what guarantee do we have that we will succeed?

  5. Madam, you can be sarcastic all you want but the scriptures have concluded the matter. Love believes and hopes all things. When we truly love someone, we can help them change.

    1. There is a world of difference between helping someone change and changing someone. With the former, you offer them the help they require while letting them do the changing. With the later, you take it out of their hands by trying to force the change. Love believes all things but love does not excuse stupidity too.

  6. Not like this change is gonna be from bad to friend is funny now one has to be an mfm member to be perfectly lovable to her.unbelievable!!I sincerely think she needs changing herself and definitely not ready for marriage.step ko plan ni.lool.anne joor

    1. lol, Anne that's the way the cookie crumbles for her. which is why i don't understand why she didn't look for a hubby in her church. Thanks for commenting dearie

  7. Nice one sis, keep it up! Coming to the ryte up, it iz one thing to wanna change someone, and it iz anoda fin to the person to accept change! We can try all we can in wanting to change anoda, buh it takes the grace of God to help the person accept change! If not, the change the lady wants won't come!

  8. My dear, It never ceases to amuse when I hear young couples in love not take into account issues such as the one you mentioned. I have been married for 10 years and church remains a sore spot in my marriage. I was raised in the pentecostal faith and i married my husband who is catholic. A couple of people drew my attention to the religious difference but I naively assumed our love was just enough. Trust me on this, 10 years down the line, it is still a major issue with us. we have our business and I believe in dear husband does not. So many times, I want to go for night vigils and stuff, but he refuses to allow me go. I thought I could get him to change but it has been a really dicey situation. 10 years after marriage, I don't understand what happens in the catholic church and i feel so bitter about it. I love my husband no doubt, but when you get married, you realise that love is never enough. My husband and I have no spiritual intimacy which is very vital in a marital relationship. I have been in this situation so I will advise any one crazy in love right now. Please be sure of what you are signing up for. You might think it doesn't matter now because romantic love is crowding your sense of judgement but rest assured when that romantic love phases off (u better believe that it will phase off), these seemingly little things you think don't matter right now (like church) will matter then. Young people should learn to do love with their brains. It will save them a whole lot of headache

  9. Mrs Nnenna, thank you so much for sharing your experience. Hearing someone woman with 10years marital experience confirm that love is not enough to make a marital relationship work, makes me know that I am not paranoid for thinking that.

  10. I am a lady but I got to say that we ladies are guilty of this issue. I recently dated a guy who I had absolutely nothing in common with, except that we were so into each other. Lots of people told me opposites attract but in my head, I knew that we were a disaster going to happen. I reluctantly let him go. I still miss him sometimes, but I am so glad I have saved myself some future pain. I wish ladies can get this sunk into their heads: you cannot change a man. It's just that straight up. Well done prof on this expose.

    1. Thanks Chi-chi for your comment. I am also glad you got to use your brain. Your future is bright my dear.

  11. This post is something I can definitely relate to. I am one of those ladies who got married believing the myth that my case was different and that I could change my man. My husband is very handsome. In fact he is more pretty than handsome. Having been a sucker for good looks all my life, it was very easy to fall for my man. However, from the outset of our relationship, it was glaring he loved women and they loved him too. At one time before we got married, he logged on to his facebook account on my phone and forgot to log out, I read through his messages and found so many crazy stuff from girls. those messages made me decide that i won't give myself to him before we got married. I also assumed that if he married me as a virgin, I would get him to changed. Well, he married me a virgin, but he hasn't changed a bit. It's so heartbreaking to have to resign to the fact that my hubby sleeps with other women just 2 years into our marriage. I saw the signs and wanted to quite initially, but I was told that every man cheats and I should be happy I am the one he kept at home. Others also told I could change him. Wish I knew it isn't that easy to change someone. So for anyone reading this, take the advice, if you cannot stand the heat, kindly get out of the kitchen. Don't buy into the myth that you can change him. Please, please, please, don't.

  12. wow, Butterfly thank you so so much for sharing your story on this platform. I am so sorry that you are hurting. Just hang in there my friend.

  13. Umunwany, na our own bad pass o, LOL. but seriously, this is no laughing matter. we women have a way of losing our brains any time we 'fall in love'. I have said it over and over again that women know when they are sacking up with the wrong person. but somehow, we believe our case is different. To worsen the matter, society doesn't make it easy for us. What with every body getting engaged or married every other day, it puts an enormous amount of pressure on us single ones to 'just go with it and hope for the best'. May God help us o.

    1. Nne, no be lie at all o. This societal pressure thing has caused many young people untold heartbreak. Even when a young person says he/she isn't ready for the marriage commitment yet, people look at the person as though he/she is cursed. Some even suggest same. My advice is people should marry for themselves, if and only if and when they are ready, and of course, for the right reasons. The society that is putting pressure on you today won't be there when you start reaping the fruits of your wrong decision.

  14. Madam love, I hail o. As for the matter you raised, I believe there is no one size shoe fit all in relationships. whatever works for anyone. If she believes she can change him, good for her. Love is deeper than what we think or even write about.

    1. lol @ madam love. I am no love madam o...I am just an advocate of use of basic common sense.

  15. Prof, what about opposites attracting? Is that a myth too?

  16. Dear A.C.B, first off, I don't think the saying is a myth as such. Second, I honestly do not think that the saying is talking about completely opposite doctrinal views. I believe it talks more about differences in personalities as in: a shy, quiet person finally ending up with an outgoing, gregarious fellow. That is not quite the same as being religious opposites. Besides, let's face it, it's going to be a tough call for total opposites to live together without driving each crazy. For the babe or dude plotting ways to change their partners, I wanna say, don't count on it so much. Manage your expectations. What makes people upset is not what happens in their life but when their expectations are violated. So, be realistic with your 'change him' expectations.

  17. Wow! Your response to A.C.B really makes sense. Keep it up prof. I am proud of you.

  18. Been here 2mins & I've learnt a lot. Good stuff

  19. feels good to know that there people out there who share this view!. Its very simple, you cannot change anyone! How can someone be making plans to change the other person and this other person doesn't know anything about it. You'll end up frustrated ni. People don't urself and your career too and accept pple for who they are. If they want to change, they will, with or without you pointing that out. I think u can save ur friend from future stress proff

  20. feels good to know that there people out there who share this view!. Its very simple, you cannot change anyone! How can someone be making plans to change the other person and this other person doesn't know anything about it. You'll end up frustrated ni. People don't urself and your career too and accept pple for who they are. If they want to change, they will, with or without you pointing that out. I think u can save ur friend from future stress proff

  21. feels good to know that there people out there who share this view!. Its very simple, you cannot change anyone! How can someone be making plans to change the other person and this other person doesn't know anything about it. You'll end up frustrated ni. People don't urself and your career too and accept pple for who they are. If they want to change, they will, with or without you pointing that out. I think u can save ur friend from future stress proff


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