Knock Knock.. *Enters and clears cobwebs. Swallows a tickling sneeze. Not today catarrh*

Mehn, it’s been a while on this blog. Sister girl has been so busy at work lately. Talk about maximum increase in stress levels. *Whew*. What can one do? That mega dough isn’t going to earn itself.

Hope y’all have been doing great. If you are in Naija, how is the fuel price hike treating you? Omo, the price of fresh tomatoes is stroke-inducing. What????? I can't deal abeg. Stew has become a luxury in Nigeria. Who knew that day would ever come?

Seriously, I have really missed writing my thoughts on this blog. Most importantly, I have missed engaging with all of you on this platform.

So today, I decided to get a little personal. Okay scratch that….a promise of a brand new original Arsenal jersey was the deal breaker. But yea, for someone like me who abhors talking about herself, in anyway personal, this was a huge challenge. But of course when an Arsenal jersey is involved, I throw on the challenge like an old sweat shirt. Ha ha. Anyways, I do hope you will enjoy reading these tiny little facts about me. I have no idea whether they are boring or fun. I just wrote them as they came. 

So here goes….Lights, camera, action!

1) I am an introverted extrovert. I live inside my head half the time, but can be the life of the party- it all depends on the people I have around me.

2) I was a whiz kid (not the musician). No kidding. Lol. I didn’t do nursery school. I went straight to Primary 1. Ain’t nobody got time to waste biko.

3) Primary 5 was a period of intellectual discovery for me. I read my first Mills and Boon novel in Primary 5 (I can’t remember the title and author of the book. All I remember is that I had no idea what the book was talking about. Lol. Innocent me.) I also wrote my first full collection of short stories in Primary 5. 

4) …Still on romance novels, I read so many of them that I became anti-romance. Like seriously, those Harlequin and Mills and Boom people can lie! (Blog post for another day). On the average, between Primary 5 and SS 3, I read more that 1000 of them. I kid you not.

5) Before I started my unending crush on Idris Elba, *be still my fluttering heart*, I thought Nigerian Actor, Pat Attah, was the sweetest thing since jollof rice and fried plantain.

 6) I have no favorite colour.

7) I have no favorite food.

8) I am addicted to drinking garri with powdered milk, milo and very soft bread. And no, it’s not my favorite food. I am just a garri addict. *Thanks for asking*.

9) I wear size 41/ 42 shoes. So yes, I am quite sensitive about my feet. *Can we move on from the feet talk now? Thank you*.

10) I have a bad sense of direction. I also have a problem recognizing faces, voices and remembering names.

11) I am afraid of dogs. *If you got a dog in your house, best believe I won't be visiting you anytime soon.*

12) …But I tolerate cats- maybe because we used to have one. But mostly because cats live a ‘dey ya lane and I go dey my lane’ kinda life.

13) I hate take off and landing during flight. 

14) I don’t take alcohol. 

15) I can’t drive…..yet. 

16) I was a member of a hip-hop Christian dance group back in Uni.

17) I suck at Maths, drinking water and drawing.

18) My family calls me ‘obi akpor’. They say I am the tough one. *flex biceps*.

19) I watched the Series 24, Seasons 1 to 7 in one week and three days.

20) I have kept the same close friends from High School and Uni.

21) I can hold an entire 5-minute long conversation on the phone without knowing who I am talking to. *I have a problem with voices, remember?*

22) I love political thrillers, crime, and romantic comedies in that order.

23) Even though I read lots of romance novels when I was younger, have mostly blues on my song list and have The Notebook on my list of favorite movies, I don’t consider myself romantic.

24) I have never been in love…in that being-in-love-if-you-leave-me-I-go-die kind of way. I have had crushes, and I have caught feelings too for one or two brothers. But not one person has got me singing 'I will Always Love You' in Whitney Houston's voice. *I'm looking forward to when I finally faaaaaall in loooveeee*....Chai, it's gonna be a wawu. *In Chigurl's voice*. 

25) I have stage fright. So, I adopt the ‘fake it till you make it’ attitude if I have to speak in public.

26) Whitney Houston is my best female musician (What? You didn't figure it out from 24 above?) R, Kelly is my best male musician. However, I listen to all genre of music, provided I like it. Okay, let's amend that, shall we? I am not big on heavy metal rock, heavy rap, high life (urgh!) and sometimes, reggae.

27) I hate big weddings. I would love to have a very small wedding of a maximum of 30-50 people. Preferably, a destination wedding.

28) If you are tall, dark, left handed, have David Beckham’s legs and fold your shirt, God said I should tell you that I am your missing rib. *Don’t argue. Call me!*

29) I hate being taken for granted. I hate people who think they are all that and I sure as hell can’t stand people who make cruel jokes about others. Particularly, men who make  jokes about  women’s bodies. Don't think she is attractive? Keep it to yasef! This goes to ladies too.

30) I love Jesus, my family (including friends) and Arsenal….in that order.

31) I know I said 30 random things but I just had to add this one: EVERYONE IS WAITING TO SEE WHO I FINALLY MARRY. *The pressure is real guys. Lol. The queue of those waiting to catch a glimpse of le boo long from Aba reach Kafanchan.  Patience guys...p-a-t-i-e-n-c-e*

Whew! Never knew digging up random facts about me could be this nerve-wracking.

Anyways, I’d like to get to know you better too! Tell me one random fact about yourself. Let’s talk in the comment section.



  1. OMG! Number 28 has me rotlmao!!!! This geh you are crazy, By the way, this list is incomplete. No 32: Prof you have an awesome sense of humor. Kai, loool. No be small, 'call me, don't argue'. Ermmm, random fact about me? I am a good footballer....shhhhh. Don't tell anyone.

    1. You play football? Oh wow. I would love to watch you play. I can't kick a ball to save my life. And this is coming from a big footie fan.

  2. Fabulous Presh20 May 2016 at 16:18

    Your are exactly nine random facts about me too and il just add a 10th to it... I can't stand people who never want to see things from other people's perspective.

    1. Presh de la Cruise, you see why we are soul sisters?

  3. Babe... I officially make you my role model when it comes to writing articles... Truly your school fees no waste... Random fact about me, I get cranky when I hear bad sound or music... I could actually walk outta service if the sound is terrible...

    1. Thanks bro. For real, you could walk out of a service if the sound is terrible? What then will you do if there is no sound at all?

  4. Number 1!!!! That explains a lot.

    1. Explains what? And hey, you didn't disclose one random fact about you

    2. The paradox about you. Before I met you, I thought you were this party going, groovy chic...mostly as a result of how outgoing you are on Facebook. And then I met you, and found out you don't even like going Can you remember my shocked reaction when we hung out with friends and you said you were feeling sleepy by 9PM?

    3. Lol, Mike.I'm quite boring right? And yeah, I do remember how shocked you were. I can picture your face asking, 'who goes to bed at 9pm?' lol. You haven't still disclosed one random fact about yourself.

    4. Oh, I keep skipping that part. One random fact about me, I can't stand football. There, I said it!

    5. *presses delete button* What! Who doesn't like football?

    6. Me! I don't. I like basketball and wrestling though. Can't understand all the noise people make over Chelsea, Man U, Barcelona...abeg.

    7. Adonbilivit! And see what you went to like, wrestling! Chai! Basketball I accept. (All those fine young me running on the court), but o. I have no idea what they do there. Is that even real sport?

  5. You are a very interesting person Prof.

  6. My nickname used to be NauttyProf back in secondary school.


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